Fundraising Reset: Week 4 Day 2 – Work Less – Raise More

Fundraising Reset

Week 4 - Day 2

Today, Steven is going to talk about repeating words and phrases in your appeals and other donor communications.  

You'll learn why repeating words and phrases is absolutely necessary for raising more money.  You'll also learn how to never stare at a blank screen again when writing an appeal.

Please watch the video below.


Steven will introduce you to the 40/40/20 rule.  If you aren't familiar with this rule, you're definitely going to want to commit it to memory.  If your fundraising has ever fallen flat, it's probably because you didn't follow this rule.

Want more?

If you're finding this free "Fundraising Reset" course valuable, then check out the "Work Less Raise More Mastermind".  Click here.


If you have a question for Steven, please ask it in the comment box at the bottom of the page.  Thanks.

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