Would you like a template and a process for generating more donations this year?
Would using a proven template help you?
Using templates, science, and real world strategies - Steven Screen will guide you to raising more money this year during a 3 part webinar series. You will learn how to create a fundraising process that’s predictable and consistently raises you more money.

There's Steven Screen's head poking up from behind the computer. He's in the middle of
showing people how to raise more money during a Live Session webinar.
Proven to drive donations up
Three elements crucial to your fundraising:
- Appeal letters that cause your donor to take action
- Newsletters that keep your donors longer (and raise money!)
- Annual Fundraising Calendar - a plan that sends the right things, to the right people, at the right time
With the right appeals, the right newsletters, and the right fundraising calendar - we've proven you can raise a lot more money.
But, most organizations aren't good at doing all three.
Do just one well and you'll raise more money. Do all three well and you'll instantly upgrade your money-raising ability.
There's a science behind when to send out your appeals and newsletters. Ignore the science and you'll lose donations.
Follow the science and you'll raise more money.
Based on testing and real world application
"A smart person learns from experience...
A wise person learns from the experience of others."
I invite you to a special webinar series with Steven Screen. Steven will share his process for creating donor communications that continue to out perform normal appeals and newsletters. You'll also learn how to create a fundraising communication calendar which is based on 25+ years of testing and real world application.
These aren't your ordinary webinars!
The first of three webinars will walk you through how to craft an appeal that brings in bushels of money. The second webinar will show you how to write and design a newsletter that delights donors and raises even more money.
The third webinar walks you through putting together an annual fundraising calendar that will definitely raise you more money this year.
New techniques
Has this happened to you?
You sit down to write an appeal. The first thing you notice is a blank screen staring back at you. Your mind drifts. And you find yourself wishing that somebody else would write the appeal. Perhaps panic sets in.
After the webinar on appeals, you will never face a blank screen again.
In the first webinar, you'll learn a simple but extremely powerful way to start your appeal writing process. This simple process could save you several hours of writing and editing.
Until now, only a fraction of people have known about this technique.
In fact, many so-called experts don't even know about this powerful technique. It will literally save you time and stress when it comes to writing your appeals.
How to discover the right "offer" to make a donor give
Here's where a lot of organizations go wrong.
Compared to your organization, do other organizations seem to have an easier time raising more money than yours?
Do you want to know why that is?
It's the offer they present to potential donors.
What's an "offer"? It's what you tell a donor will happen when she makes a gift.
In the first webinar on "Appeals", you'll learn a process for finding the most compelling offer to present to your donors. This is key.
Many times an organization will include an offer that is too general and doesn't resonate with donors. Watch this first webinar and you'll discover how to craft the right offer and deliver it with your appeal.
Because once you find the right offer, you'll immediately start raising more money.
The ultimate formula for newsletters
How many pages is your newsletter?
Do you even have a newsletter?
Is it printed? ... or is it an e-newsletter? What's included in your newsletter? Stories? ... a letter from your CEO? News about staff and partners? Do you have pictures? Are they happy pictures? Sad pictures?
With so many choices of how to make newsletters, where do you begin?
It's easier than you think.
There's a formula.
In the second webinar you'll learn how to layout and write the perfect newsletter. This newsletter will do two things really well.
First. You will report back to donors what their donations made possible. This is extremely important if you want donors to give again. A great newsletter will help you retain your donors longer.
Second. You will get donors to give you another gift immediately after they look at your newsletter. There is a right way to ask for a gift in a newsletter. And there are a lot of wrong ways. Steven has tested and tried them all and will share his formula with you.
Wouldn't you like the ease of just following a formula you know is going to work?
Exactly when to send your appeal & newsletter
In the third webinar, you're going to go behind the scenes of what it takes to make an effective annual communications calendar. This calendar will raise you more money this year.
You will learn what the truly successful fundraising organizations do to raise more money year after year.
You'll get a process for figuring out your perfect fundraising calendar.
You'll discover exactly when you should be sending out your appeals and newsletters. This calendar will take the guesswork out of your planning process.
With very little modification, you'll be able to use this calendar again next year.
In addition to learning when to send your appeals and newsletters, you'll also learn a technique for supercharging your response rates.
HINT: The proper use of social media and email will help drive response rates up. Social media and emails can be your key to generating even more donations from your appeals and newsletters.
In this third webinar, you'll learn how to effectively use social media and emails to increase donations from your appeals and newsletters.
Not your average webinars
These are not "regular" webinars.
Instead of a webinar full of static boring slides, these webinars will be more active. You'll feel like you're in the room with Steven.
These are chock full of practical, step-by-step instruction. There is no fluff and "puff speak" in these webinars.
You'll leave with a solid action plan
You will leave with a solid plan to write your appeals and newsletters. And... You'll also leave with your annual fundraising calendar sketched out.
Imagine having a fundraising plan mapped out by the time you're finished watching the webinars. You'll know exactly what to do for the rest of this year, and for next year as well.
Watch and Re-Watch the Recordings
Watch the webinars on your own time.
Immediately after you buy the webinars, you will be directed to the recordings. Watch them multiple times if you'd like. Keep them forever and share them with your staff.
You could be watching the recorded webinars within the next 2 minutes.
The price.
The first two webinars can be bought separately for $199 each, or save $50 and buy them together.
When you buy them together, you'll get the Annual Fundraising Plan webinar for free . The Annual Fundraising Calendar is not sold separately because it builds off the first two webinars.
- Appeal Webinar
$199 - Newsletter Webinar
$199 - Appeal Webinar +
Newsletter Webinar +
Annual Calendar
Here's what to do next.
Choose from the options below.
Purchase one of the webinars, or the entire set for one low price.
Get the Annual Fundraising Calendar Webinar as a FREE BONUS when you buy both the Appeals and Newsletters webinars.
Choose from the options below.
How to write appeals that raise more money.
How to write newsletters that raise more money.
appeals, newsletters, & Annual Calendar
How to write appeals, newsletters, and craft an annual fundraising calendar.
SAVE $50 +
Annual Fundraising Calendar Webinar
(a $199 Value)