Appeal and Newsletter Reviews 4 – Work Less – Raise More

Your Appeals and Newsletters Reviewed

Recorded on Friday, May 3

Here is the recorded LIVE Session.

This week Steven was broadcasting from a hotel room.  There was a little tech/internet glitch about 10 minutes in or so.  It lasted for just a few seconds. So if you get to that part in the recording, just know that it clears up and that it's not your computer.  🙂

During this session, Steven Screen reviews the appeal letters and newsletters that were submitted before hand.

This is a great way for you to see what makes a great appeal or newsletter.  It's also a way for you to see the common mistakes organizations make when writing their appeals and newsletters.

If you would like to watch future review sessions, and have a chance to have Steven review your appeal or newsletter, then click here.

Watch Steven review appeals and newsletters below.

Would you be interested in learning
how to create an Annual Fundraising Calendar?  

If so, check out the new webinar series featuring Steven Screen.  Click here.
