Coming soon...
Year End Fundraising Intensive
Waitlist now open
Raise buckets more money at the end of this year...
Join Steven Screen and Chris Davenport at THE Famous Fundraising Farmhouse for three days. You will be amazed with what you walk away with.
Previous participants made huge leaps in their year end fundraising after choosing to attend the Year End Fundraising Intensive.
To join the waitlist for this year's Year End Fundraising Intensive click here.
Look at how much more money they each raised after attending the Year End Fundraising Intensive:
- Organization #1 - from $57,109 to $170,023
- Organization #2 - from $2,800 to $72,167
- Organization #3 - from $155,055 to $182,361 (with a person who had never raised money before).
- Organization #4 - from $0 to $45,910
Here's what you'll leave the Fundraising Farmhouse having completed:
- A custom year-end fundraising campaign (appeal letter, outer envelope, reply device, chaser emails)
- A custom 'Donor Reporting Letter' to prime your donors for bigger year-end gifts
- A custom 12-month fundraising plan so you know exactly what you'll be working on (and how much you'll raise) every month of 2023.