Five Step Plan to Get Your Major Donor’s Best Year End Gift – Work Less – Raise More

FREE Major Donor Email Template

Raise more money from your major donors at year end by using this simple (and free) email template

I’ve written the first draft of a personal email that is PROVEN to make major donors feel special… and make larger gifts.

If you’re anything like me, you probably feel a little guilty that you haven’t been able to spend as much time talking with all of your major donors this year.  And now you’re worried that when you ask them for a year-end gift, they’ll say no.

The good news is, there’s a simple way to let your donor know their generosity is appreciated and their last gift made a difference.  It’s a super short, personalized email, and whenever I’ve used it, donors have felt great and year-end donations have gone up.

I want you to have the email.  Fill out the form below and it’s yours – for free – to customize.

This email is the first step in a Five Step Plan, which you’ll also get when you fill out the form below.   If you send the email and follow the plan, you can be confident your major donor will feel special – and that they’re more likely to say ‘YES’ when you ask them for a gift (which is the 4th step in the plan).

Fill out the form below to get
the Major Donor Email Template and the 5 Step Plan. 